It is recommended that ice packs be applied for 10 10 15 minutes each hour for the first
4-8 hours following the procedure. The ice is used to reduce swelling and provide comfort. After the first 24 hours the use of ice is no longer beneficial.
Your Lips will be Tender Immediately after, you are welcome to take a pain reliever of your choice after the service
No soap, cleanser or shampoo on the treated area for 7 days. Soap and cleansers are designed to remove any foreign substances. Obviously, this is detrimental to the bonding process required for the pigment to become permanent. Toothpaste and mouthwash are considered "soap and will remove lip color, so proceed with caution when using.
You will wash your lips with lukewarm water before you go to bed
Don't Touch Your Lips - Please remember this is a new tattoo and should be cared for like an open wound
Wash your lips first thing in the morning then again before you go to bed, Wash your hands before touching your lips and after
Use a Makeup Remover Wipe to remove face Makeup before you wash your lips.
Pat Lips dry with a clean tissue before applying Aftercare Balm
Apply the Aftercare Balm or Aquaphor with a clean finger, 0-Tip or lipoloss-wand throughout the day
This is to be done in a gentle dabbing motion as not to disrupt the pigmentation bonding process. This will keep the area moist and accelerate the healing. Do not let the area dry out, keep moist all times.
Please do NOT put any makeup on your lips or any other kind of Chapstick, Lipgloss, Lipstick Etc until they are fully healed (Approximately 1 Week)
Follow these instructions for 5 days minimum
Lip Blush Normally lasts 2-3 years depending on lifestyle, skin type, and aftercare
Special care should be exercised while the treated area is healing.
Under no circumstances should you pick, scratch or rub the treated area or attempt to remove the crusty material. Removing of the crusts may result in the removal of the actual pigment and/or infection may occur. It is important that this protective "cover stay on during the healing process (three to seven days).
Always use good health habits.
Feel Free to Call or Text me,
Morgan at 971-235-2705
Variations to these recommendations are not encouraged and will most likely affect the final outcome of your procedure, if not totally remove the implantations.