Splash your eyes with water and wash off any pigment residue immediately after the procedure. Pat dry gently with a clean tissue.
Wash the skin around the eyes twice a day (morning & night) using a gentle, unscented soap (Cetaphil or Baby Shampoo). Use your fingertips to cleanse gently and pat dry with a clean tissue
Apply ointment 2-3 times a day for up to 7 days for thick eyeliner. (OMIT FOR LASH ENHANCEMENT) Scabs will take about 7-10 days to peel off. Do not pick at the scabs o peel them off prematurely
Swelling and redness is normal for the first few days
Slight stinging sensation in the first few days is also normal
The Colour will fade approximately 30-50% lighter when the scabs fall off.
This is completely normal. Don't feel discouraged if the fading is more than you expected.
To achieve the perfect eyeliner, we need to see how your skin accepts the initial application and a touch -up appointment is where we will perfect the shape and Colour.
No eye makeup is allowed until the scabs completely fall off.
Avoid sweaty exercises such as hot saunas, hot yoga and swimming.
Swelling, oozing, and some redness are normal up to 3 days after the procedure for some clients; Especially in the morning.
Exercising the eyes can help reduce swelling and puitiness. Try blinking actively for 2 minutes in the mornings. You can also ice the area with soft gel packs.
Shedding your color and outer epidermal skin is normal during the first 3-7 days following treatment
At the end of three weeks, your procedure will be healed. Please contact your technician if you feel that the treatment area needs to be touched up. If this touch up is needed, this cost is $50. Please do not wait any longer than 3-6 weeks after the initial procedure to have this done.
Showld vou suspect an infection in or around the procedure area, please contact me or your healthcare provider immediately!
Judgment of your results should be deferred until three weeks following the final procedure. Immediately following the procedure, your look may be harsh and painted on looking, but it will soften up and look more natural as you heal.
Feel Free to Call or Text me,
Morgan at 971-235-2705
Variations to these recommendations are not encouraged and will most likely affect the final outcome of your procedure, if not totally remove the implantations.